
Cholecalciferol, better known as vitamin D, is the key to our health. So far, vitamin D has mainly been considered as a bone strengthener. However, as has now been discovered, vitamin D receptors exist in almost all organs and tissues. As a result, this unique vitamin has far-reaching effects on the metabolic processes in the intestine, brain, heart, pancreas, skin, lymphocytes, etc. Vitamin D is involved in a variety of metabolic processes and functions in the body. In the meantime, several studies have identified vitamin D as an important factor in weight regulation. A constant blood sugar level and lower insulin sensitivity have generally been observed in people with high vitamin D levels. These people are less hungry and sleep better - both factors that affect body weight. It is also believed that there is a high number of vitamin D receptors in our fat cells, which, when activated, stimulate the body's fat metabolism. According to a study by Oxford University, gene receptors all over the body need enough vitamin D to prevent disease. Our genes require vitamin D so that gene expression (implementation of the genetic information) remains functional. A lack of vitamin D can therefore lead to serious illnesses.

  • Metabolism
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Prevention of hunger
  • Reduction of oxidative stress
  • Strengthening of the bones
  • Build and maintain muscle function

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